If you’re missing some or all of your teeth, you’re not alone. Although it may feel like everybody else is enjoying a completed grin, that’s actually not the case. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, about 40 million adults in the nation are missing all of their teeth. That’s why, at Amaze Dental, we offer completely customized and durable full and partial dentures to help restore smiles. We want our patients to feel happy and confident always, which is why we customize each restoration to flawlessly blend in with your grin to be practically unnoticeable. If you believe you could benefit from this service, be sure to schedule a consultation with your dentist in DeSoto to learn more about how we can help you.
Almost anyone with missing teeth can be a good candidate for dentures, and the first step to restoring your smile is to schedule a consultation at our DeSoto office. At this appointment, Dr. Najjar or Dr. Le will examine your mouth to determine if you are eligible for the treatment and discuss your preferences so your appliance can be customized to address your needs. Here’s a brief guide to the qualities of a good denture candidate as well as how you may be able to become one after receiving treatments to restore your gum health or reinforce your jawbone.
Tooth loss is an unfortunately common problem that can lead to serious consequences for your oral and overall health. The American College of Prosthodontists reports that a few common causes of tooth loss include tooth decay, gum disease, and injury, and the American Academy of Periodontology states that it can cause facial sagging, difficulty eating and speaking, and diminished self-esteem. Tooth loss also makes it harder to eat a healthy diet, which can lead to issues like indigestion or malnutrition.
Dentures can be an excellent treatment option for people who have lost many teeth or who deal with severe sensitivity or decay as long as they have sufficiently healthy gums and jawbones. A successful denture candidate will also commit to an excellent oral hygiene and maintenance routine to ensure that their mouth and appliance stay in great shape. If you don’t qualify for dentures at your consultation, you may be able to receive them after undergoing gum disease treatment or receiving bone grafts to reinforce the strength of your jaw.
The number of missing teeth will determine which type of denture is best for you. Full dentures can replace a whole row of teeth while a partial denture can replace several throughout the mouth. While traditional dentures are held in place with suction, implant dentures are secured with titanium posts surgically placed in the jawbone for superior chewing power. Traditional dentures can also be quite affordable, making them an excellent option for patients on a budget.
If you’re interested in exploring your other tooth replacement options, we offer several alternatives such as:
For patients who are missing all of their teeth, we’ll likely recommend full dentures. These are comprised of a custom-shaped base that’s crafted from gum-colored acrylic. It’s specially made to fit over the structure of your gums and utilize natural suction and denture adhesive to stay firmly in place. Atop the gum base are replacement teeth which are customized to match your natural tooth color for a flawless appearance. For patients who are looking for a more permanent solution and have a dense enough jawbone, we also offer dental implants as well.
Patients who are missing several teeth on an arch can benefit from getting partial dentures in DeSoto. These are designed to discreetly secure around your existing teeth without altering them by using a metal or gum-colored acrylic base. These also have customized replacement teeth that are matched to your surrounding teeth. Like full dentures, these are easily removable and easy to take care of.
If and when you lose teeth, life can get a lot more complicated. Even habits most would take for granted – eating, speaking, smiling, etc. – will become tricky or impossible for you. Having said that, we at Amaze Dental solve tooth loss problems with our life-changing dentures. You can trust these sturdy prosthetics to offer a great many perks, making your day-to-day easier. Learn more about the benefits of dentures by reading below or calling our office.
Without a doubt, going without teeth puts most people in a foul mood. This situation often harms mental health by prompting body image issues, low self-esteem, depression, and more. The good news is dentures prevent these problems by “filling in” your smile’s gaps and restoring your full grin. That means they’ll help you feel confident and assured with their replacement teeth, ensuring you don’t have to worry about looks, speech, etc.
You need your teeth to enunciate yourself, so lacking even a few would lead to slurred words, severe lisps, or similar speech impediments. Thankfully, patients can work through the enunciation problem by using our office’s quality dentures. By replacing your missing teeth with durable replacements, the devices support your tongue enough to form words clearly. However, keep in mind that you’d still need to practice with them; learning to speak with dentures takes time.
If you suffer untreated tooth loss, you’ll likely develop a poor diet. Since you need all your teeth to chew most foods, losing some will restrict your meal choices; that effect can cause malnutrition and indigestion. Still, you can trust dentures to prevent such outcomes when they restore your smile. Their artificial teeth are nearly as strong as natural ones, so they’ll let you eat a wider range of food and improve your nutritional health.
If you leave tooth loss unchecked, it’ll cause smile gaps that damage your oral health. Having such spaces in your smile would tilt your remaining teeth, let harmful bacteria breed, and even erode your jaw over time. With that said, you can avoid (or at least slow) these effects by wearing well-fitted dentures in your mouth. The restorations would reduce the tilting of your remaining teeth, keep microbes from spreading, and stop your jaw from eroding as much.
As you may know, a pretty smile is practically crucial to making a good first impression on others. A mouth full of beautiful teeth can convey confidence, strong health, and positive well-being. With that said dentures would provide you with a smile that inspires goodwill from friends and family. Because their teeth look lifelike and natural, they enhance your looks and lead to many great social opportunities – friendships, romances, promotions, etc.
Some people may be tempted to ignore the effects that their missing teeth are having on their daily lives in an effort to save money on getting restorations. While we realize this response is typically out of financial necessity, we also want patients to know that this can have an impact on their oral health. If you leave gaps in your smile, it can cause a variety of issues down the road, including:
During your consultation, our team will examine your mouth and let you know which restorative procedures you can benefit from. We’ll also address any dental insurance concerns you have and discuss financing options with you. At Amaze Dental, we accept Medicaid and CHIP and also have a special offer for $250 off snap-on dentures.
Dentures are the tried-and-true method for replacing missing teeth for good reasons. Your restoration can transform your smile’s appearance and functionality to enhance your daily quality of life, but that’s only if it’s cared for correctly. Even if you have no natural teeth remaining, it’s important to implement a healthy daily dental hygiene routine and schedule regular checkups with our Amaze Dental Team. Regular maintenance removes plaque and bacteria that can coat your restoration or infect your gums and cause concerns like gum disease and even oral cancer.
Continue reading to learn more about maintaining your dentures, and feel free to contact us for additional information!
Your dentures can’t get cavities like your teeth, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to clean them. Bits of food can cling to their surfaces or get trapped in the space between your gums and your restoration, attracting disease-inducing germs.
Taking them out to rinse them under gently running water gets rid of unwanted bacteria and any leftovers that could cause problems. Remember only to use cool or room-temperature water, though, because if it’s too hot, it could warp the acrylic base of your prosthetics so they no longer fit.
Some patients want to know if it’s acceptable to brush their restoration while it’s still in their mouths, but you can’t reach all its surfaces that way to wash it thoroughly. You should remove your dentures twice daily to thoroughly scrub all sides with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild dish soap or a non-abrasive paste. Then, rinse them thoroughly before reinserting them to continue your day or placing them in a glass of water overnight.
These prosthetics are notoriously slippery when they’re wet and soapy, and although they’re durable, they’re not invincible. If they fall from a great enough height or onto a hard surface, they can chip, crack, or break altogether.
You can prevent this by placing a soft towel or pillow beneath you while during cleanings so they land softly if they take a tumble.
It’s probably not going to do much harm if you forget to take your dentures out for bed once in a blue moon, but it’s not recommended. They press firmly against your gum tissues all day, which can reduce circulation or cause sores if they never get a break.
It’s better to place your teeth in a glass of water or soaking solution at night to eradicate germs while maintaining their shape to give your mouth some much-needed rest.
Paying attention to your dental condition helps you identify potential areas of concern so you can get help before they progress into real issues. For instance, if you notice your connective tissues seem puffier or darker than usual, it could point to gum disease. Treating it early on prevents it from progressing and spreading to your jawbone or other areas to cause problems.
Also, if you notice that your dentures are damaged, contact us for an appointment rather than try to fix them at home. Many household products, like super glue, are not intended for oral use and can be toxic if ingested.
Reading through the above information gives you valuable insight into the versatility of dentures and the importance of addressing tooth loss head-on. However, there are other important questions patients have, such as: How much do dentures cost? Since each restoration is custom-made, there is no all-encompassing answer. With that being said, there are some important factors to consider across the board. Keep reading to learn what they are!
When it comes to the cost of dentures, there are three major factors to consider. The first is preparation procedures, like periodontal therapy or tooth extractions. The next is the type of acrylic used for the base, which will be meticulously dyed to match the color of your gum tissue. Lastly, the material used for your replacement teeth, which will play an essential role in the appearance and function of your new and improved smile. Therefore, it is important to remember that cheaper isn’t necessarily better. Your confidence, bite, and speech are worth the investment.
Yes, the upfront cost of implant dentures in DeSoto is more expensive. However, there is a good reason for that! To start, while traditional dentures need to be replaced every five to seven years, implant dentures can last for 20+ years with proper care. Additionally, since they are surgically inserted directly into your jawbone, they restore your bite force, avoid embarrassing slippage, and preserve your youthful facial structure. So, in the long run, implant dentures can end up being the most cost-effective option!
Although the fine print on dental plans varies from patient to patient, a portion of the cost is typically covered by your insurance provider. To confirm, our knowledgeable team will handle the paperwork and maximize your coverage before explaining the cost in a straightforward and stress-free manner. That way, you can utilize your much-deserved benefits and have a detailed cost estimate upfront!
Our denture dentist in DeSoto is proud to offer high-quality dentistry that is also affordable. In addition to welcoming dental insurance and Medicaid, we also happily accept CareCredit financing, which ensures even the most extensive treatment plans can fit into your monthly budget. Periodic special offers are also available, including $250 off snap-on dentures! Don’t worry – our team will go over all of these options in detail at your appointment to ensure you can confidently make a decision on what’s best for your smile and your wallet.
Now you know a bit more about the cost of dentures in DeSoto! For a more detailed estimate, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team so we can schedule your initial consultation.
Missing teeth affect more than just your appearance – it can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life as well. At Amaze Dental, we can restore your oral health and help you enjoy a beautiful, fully functioning bite once again with dentures in DeSoto. Of course, we understand you may have a few concerns before committing to the treatment process. Below, we’ve answered some of the most common questions patients ask us about dentures. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our friendly team!
Most patients have to wait about six to eight weeks after getting their teeth pulled to get dentures. While that may seem like a long time, it’s necessary to ensure the gums heal properly. Also, the exact amount of time can vary based on the type of denture in question. For example, immediate dentures can be placed on the same day as an extraction. However, you’ll need to replace them sooner as the shape of the jawbone changes while you heal. If you’re getting implant dentures, you’ll have to wait about four to six months for the implants to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue via osseointegration.
When you first get dentures in DeSoto, you’ll be asked to keep them in your mouth for 24 hours, including while you sleep. After that initial period, it’s strongly recommended that you remove them every night before bed. That’s because wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, causing soft tissue irritation and speeding up ridge resorption. By regularly taking them out, you allow your gums to recover and get the nutrients they need during the night. It’s also worth noting that sleeping with dentures is associated with poor oral hygiene and a higher risk of pneumonia.
If you need to have your teeth pulled before getting dentures, you’ll likely experience some discomfort following your oral surgery. The good news is you can easily manage it by taking over-the-counter pain medication as needed and diligently following your dentist’s aftercare instructions.
Once your dentures are in place, you might have slight irritation as your mouth adjusts to your new teeth. Keep in mind that for some patients it can take months for this to go away. If your discomfort persists or worsens, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll identify the problem and get your smile back on the right track in no time.
Initially, you may have difficulty speaking with dentures because you’re only used to talking with natural teeth. The quickest way to adjust to your new smile is with lots of practice. Over time, you’ll adapt to your artificial teeth and get rid of any noticeable speech impediments. You can speed up the adjustment process by reading aloud, having more conversations with loved ones, and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words.