During your morning dental hygiene routine, you noticed an unfamiliar bump on your gums. Since you don’t recall it being there before, you’re wondering what could be the cause. There are several factors that can result in the development of a bump on your gums. Continue reading to learn about four potential causes as well as what your dentist can do to fix things.
Cause #1: Progressed Tooth Infection
If you’re experiencing redness, swelling, tenderness, warmth, or pain in your gums, this could indicate a tooth infection. This discomfort may be exacerbated when lying down. It’s crucial to seek dental treatment to address the issue. Failure to do so may result in tooth loss or the need for an extraction.
Visiting your dentist as soon as you begin to experience the aforementioned symptoms increases your likelihood of saving the affected tooth and successfully treating the infection. It’s important to take tooth infections seriously, as they can spread to other parts of the body and lead to more serious health problems, such as sepsis, a potentially life-threatening condition.
Cause #2: Oral Cyst
A dental cyst can develop on the gums due to a dead or impacted tooth, and if left untreated, it can grow in size and exert pressure on the tooth roots. This may lead to potential oral health problems. Although dental cysts may not be painful unless they’re infected, it’s crucial to have them examined by a dentist as soon as they are detected to prevent complications.
Cause #3: Oral Pyogenic Granuloma
A small, raised bump on your gums filled with blood may indicate a pyogenic granuloma, which is typically a painless, soft bump that appears deep purple or red. Pyogenic granulomas are prone to bleeding and can cause anemia due to the loss of red blood cells.
These bumps may develop from localized trauma or irritation, and hormone changes may also contribute to their formation. In many cases, no treatment is required, and the granulomas may disappear on their own. However, in certain cases, surgical removal may be necessary.
Cause #4: Oral Abnormalities Due to Cancer
Bumps on the gums, white or red patches of rough skin in the mouth, or slow-healing sores that persist for more than two weeks may indicate the presence of oral cancer. During your regular bi-annual dental check-up, your dentist will conduct a comprehensive oral cancer screening. This will allow them to detect any signs of oral cancer at an early stage, allowing for timely treatment.
About the Practice
Dr. Suzanne Najjar and Dr. Caitlyn Le lead the team at Amaze Dental in Desoto, providing a variety of exceptional dental treatments to correct and prevent dental health issues. They have assembled a skilled team that offers patients top-notch care. If you have a bump on your gums, their team can conduct a comprehensive examination to determine the cause and the most effective course of treatment. To schedule an appointment with Amaze Dental or to learn more about their services, visit their website or call (972) 230-1100.