If the boot fits, wear it – if your dentures don’t, visit your dentist! Ill-fitting dentures might not seem like a serious problem. After all, they just need a little adjustment, right? They do need to be resized, but if you wait too long to get them evaluated and modified, you could develop some pretty nasty health issues! Keep reading to learn more about the risks, and what you should do to avoid them.
When Your Dentures Don’t Fit…
When your dentures don’t fit, you’re likely to experience discomfort and have a harder time chewing and speaking. But that’s not all! Here are some other possible side effects that can happen if you wait too long to have them fixed:
- Chronic jaw pain. Dentures that don’t sit right can throw off your bite alignment, which places uneven stress on your jaw. Over time, this pain can become chronic.
- Angular cheilitis. Another issue that uneven bites can create is pools of saliva that sit in the corners of your mouth. Bacteria, yeast, and fungus collect in these pools, which can lead to uncomfortable infections known as angular cheilitis.
- Jawbone deterioration. The pressure from ill-fitting dentures can put excessive strain on your jawbone. This could prevent it from growing properly and accelerate deterioration – which will in turn weaken your oral structure!
- Oral cancer. Patients with improperly aligned dentures are more at risk for developing a host of oral complications; one of them being oral cancer. If not caught soon enough, this condition can be fatal.
As you can see, it’s better to simply get your dentures fixed as soon as possible!
What Should I Do About Ill-Fitting Dentures?
You should not try to adjust or repair your dentures yourself. DIY solutions like superglue or even at-home repair kits can cause more problems than they solve. You also shouldn’t reinsert your replacement teeth unless your dentist determines it’s safe to do so.
Instead, call your dentist and inform them about the situation. They’ll help you schedule a prudent appointment time and make sure your replacement teeth won’t cause you any trouble!
About the Practice
Dr. Suzanne Najjar and Dr. Caitlyn Le are focused on providing quality, comfortable care for their patients. Thanks to their in-office digital impression system, for example, they can accurately size a patient’s mouth without having to use uncomfortable dental goop. If your dentures need resizing, Dr. Najjar and Dr. Le would be happy to adjust them and help you avoid serious oral complications. To contact their office, call 972-230-1100.