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Growing Up: Why & How to Break Your Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habits

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — amazedental @ 11:46 am
A toddler sucking their thumb

You may think February doesn’t have events suited to little kids. After all, most link it to Groundhog Day or Valentine’s Day – holidays for adults. However, this period marks a time even your tiny tots can honor: Children’s Dental Health Month. February is thus meant to promote your child’s oral health. If your little one still sucks their thumb, you can even help them celebrate it. Read on to learn why and how to break thumb-sucking habits this February.

Why is Thumb-Sucking an Issue?

At least at first, thumb-sucking has its uses. It helps infants and toddlers manage stress, cope with teething, etc. That said, the habit becomes risky if it persists past age five. Your toddler’s teeth might become misaligned in that case. (This misalignment is also known as a malocclusion.)

For example, chronic thumb-sucking is likely to cause an open bite. This issue occurs when the top and bottom teeth don’t touch one another, even when the mouth is closed. If left untreated, It can cause chewing pain, tooth decay, and gum disease.

How to Break a Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habit

Fortunately, you can help your child break their thumb-sucking habit. It’s just a matter of using the right tips and tricks. In particular, try using the ones listed below:

Positive Reinforcement

You know how little kids like to hear a parent’s praise, right? Well, this truth can help break a thumb-sucking habit. Gently praise and encourage your child to adopt better behaviors.

This positive reinforcement can take a great many forms. For instance, you might reward your kiddo with a bedtime story when they don’t suck their thumb. Similarly, you can set attainable goals like “no thumb-sucking an hour before bed.” Putting stickers on a calendar could record days when your child doesn’t engage in thumb-sucking.

Identify Their Stressors

Your child may suck their thumb in response to a stressor. In that case, identify the real issue and provide comfort in other ways.

There are many nice alternatives your toddler could take up. Consider soothing them with a hug or reassuring words. On the other hand, you might give your child a pillow or stuffed animal to squeeze.

Offer Gentle Reminders

Sometimes, a child sucks their thumb without thought. It’s just an unconscious action instead of something they try to do. Given that fact, simply offer gentle reminders for them to stop.

To be clear, don’t be harsh when reminding your child. You shouldn’t scold, criticize, or ridicule them. Instead, just explain that the thumb-sucking is something to avoid.

When you know why and how to break thumb-sucking habits, your whole family can celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month. So, make sure to note the facts above!

About the Practice

Amaze Dental is based in DeSoto, TX. Led by Drs. Najjar and Le, our practice treats dental patients of all ages. We gladly serve kids, seniors, and everyone in between! So, our team is always ready to offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency dental care. Our office is also a certified provider of clear aligner treatments and dental sedation options. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (972)-230-1100.

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