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4 Tips on Caring for Dentures

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — amazedental @ 11:16 pm
person caring for dentures by brushing them

Do you wear dentures to replace several or all of your teeth? If so, this is a great way to fill in your smile. Dentures give you back some of your bite power, which allows you to eat some of your favorite foods. According to the Fixodent website, full dentures can last five to 10 years on average, and partials can last around 15 years. This will only happen if you’re diligent about taking care of your restorations, so read on to learn 4 tips that will be beneficial when caring for dentures.

Tip #1: Brush Your Dentures Every Day

Though you may think that dentures don’t need to be brushed since they aren’t your natural teeth, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Throughout the day, plaque, bacteria, and food particles build up on your restorations. Brushing your dentures will remove these, therefore lowering your risk of developing oral health issues like gum disease. Be sure to brush your dentures every night with a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching or otherwise damaging them.

Tip #2: Soak Your Dentures Overnight

Another important part of caring for dentures is to soak them in denture cleaning solution or fresh water overnight. This will remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria that are still left on them after brushing. This also gives your gums a break since they may feel a bit sore after wearing your restorations all day. Additionally, inse your restorations off before putting them back on in the morning. This will help you avoid getting the cleaning solution into your mouth, which can irritate the sensitive tissues.

Tip #3: Handle Your Dentures with Care

Whether you wear replacement teeth or they are all-natural, be sure to be gentle with them. When cleaning dentures, not taking enough care with how you treat them may lead to damage. To avoid cracks or breaks in your restorations, clean them over a sink full of water or a clean towel. This will keep your dentures from breaking if you accidentally drop them.

Tip #4: Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Dentist care about more than just your teeth. This is why visiting your dentist every six months is key to caring for dentures. Even if you don’t have any natural pearly whites left, your dentist will still want to examine your mouth and oral cavity. This will let them make sure there aren’t any oral health issues developing, such as jawbone deterioration. This will also give them a chance to examine your restorations and make any necessary adjustments.

Caring for dentures properly is key to making your restorations last as long as possible. With the above tips, you should be able to maintain a healthy mouth and a clean, beautiful smile for years to come!

About the Practice

Amaze Dental is led by two talented dentists, Dr. Suzanne Najjar and Dr. Caitlyn Le. They are proud to have built a talented Desoto team that offers patients a range of exceptional treatments to correct and prevent dental health issues. If you are missing teeth, they can go over their replacement options, such as full and partial dentures. They can also teach you about caring for dentures so you can make your smile last. If you want to set up an appointment with Amaze Dental or want more information on caring for dentures, visit their website or call (972) 230-1100.

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