When you invest in professional teeth whitening treatment, you want to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. You may be aware of foods you shouldn’t eat that can ruin whitening, but did you know there are others you can choose to extend its effectiveness? Keep reading to learn from your dentist in DeSoto about foods that are beneficial for teeth whitening treatment.
Apples, Celery, and Carrots
All these high-fiber fruits and vegetables function as natural stain removers because they increase saliva production in the mouth. Saliva neutralizes harmful acids and helps to wash away food debris and bacteria. Also, their crunchiness helps to scrub your teeth clean.
Even though they can stain certain items, strawberries can help to whiten your teeth. This is because they contain an enzyme called malic acid. This acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration. Try mashing up a few strawberries and rubbing them onto your teeth. Leave it for about five minutes and then rinse, brush, and floss.
Dairy Products
Yogurt, milk, and cheese contain lactic acid which helps to prevent teeth from decaying. They also contain calcium which is necessary to keep your bones and teeth strong. Ultimately, consuming these products can strengthen your teeth and whiten them at the same time. Harder cheeses are best for whitening because they also help to remove food particles by stimulating saliva production.
Baking Soda
This has been a tooth-whitening home remedy for a long time. This is because it’s a very mild abrasive which helps to remove stains from the surface of your teeth. It is also alkaline which makes it more difficult for bacteria to grow in the mouth. Next time you are shopping for toothpaste, try choosing one that contains this ingredient.
Oranges and Pineapples
Fruits that are tart, like oranges and pineapples, cause the mouth to produce more saliva. Just be careful with some citrus fruits like lemons because they are highly acidic and can damage your teeth.
You have probably noticed that cauliflower requires quite a bit of chewing. However, this is actually a good thing for your teeth. The longer it takes for you to break down the food, the more saliva you’ll produce and the cleaner and healthier your smile will be.
Some of these items may have come as a surprise to be included as whitening boosters, but it’s valuable information to know, especially if they are part of your normal diet anyway. These are simple ways to keep the bright smile you paid for going strong for a long time!
About the Practice
At Amaze Dental, we focus on dentistry that will improve your oral health, not make you open your wallet every time you visit. We want to recommend treatments that you and your family need to maintain long-term oral health. Every time you visit, you can expect care with integrity, honesty, and transparency. If you are interested in teeth whitening, we offer Zoom! Teeth Whitening and you can select treatment in office or at home. No appointment is needed for at-home treatment, but for the in-office option, you can schedule one on our website or by calling (972) 230-1100.